

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Organized Activity

I have organized many activities that were work related and non-work related. The one that stands out to me was when I was the business manager for my sons Pop-Warner football league team. I had to organize the team binder for certifications that included all paperwork related the age,weight, picture and report cards etc. I had to basically organize the rotation of parents working the snack bar and delegating responsibilities to the parents to take score, do the chains at the game, work the booth and run the game clock, score board and bringing snacks to each game. I did the fundraisers and raffles as well as sending out reminders for all upcoming events. I also ordered the trophy's for the team at the end of the season. I was also working full-time and raising two children and a husband. The thing that helped me stay sane in all this was to stay organized. I kept lists of everything and constantly reminded parents by calling and handing out lists of who was doing what and on what date. The hardest part in all of this was to get the parents to commit to helping out. I found that the parents where worse than the kids. The thing that I would do differently would be to have a mandatory meeting for all parents and having sign-up sheets for parents and stress the importance of volunteering for their children

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